Weaving Media is an interdisciplinary research network founded by Adele Bardazzi at Trinity College Dublin in 2022
With the aim to promote conversations across fields on questions about form and interpretation of works that weave together different media, with particular attention to poetry and textile arts

Adele Bardazzi works on issues of form and interpretation, poetry and poetics, lyric theory, gender and women’s studies, verbal-visual glitches. She joined the University of Utrecht as Assistant Professor in September 2023 and is Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Oxford since September 2021. Prior to this, she held an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Trinity College Dublin (2021-2023), an Extraordinary Junior Research Fellowship (2020-2021) and a Laming Junior Research Fellowship (2018-2020) at The Queen’s College, Oxford, and a Lectureship at Christ Church (2019) and the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Oxford (2018). She completed her DPhil in Medieval and Modern Languages from Christ Church, Oxford, in 2018 and holds a BA in English and Italian from Royal Holloway, University of London. She has also been awarded various visiting fellowships, among which at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Groningen, University of Southern California, New York University, University of Toronto, and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3.
At present, she is working on A Textile Poetics of Entanglements, her second monograph expanding questions of poetic theory raised in her first book, Eugenio Montale: A Poetics of Mourning (Peter Lang, 2022). Among her recent and forthcoming publications are: the edited volumes The Contemporary Elegy in World Literature (Brill, forthcoming 2023), Non solo muse: panorama della poesia italiana contemporanea, with Roberto Binetti (Perrone, forthcoming 2023), Conglomerates: Andrea Zanzotto’s Poetic Clusters (Peter Lang, forthcoming 2023), A Gaping Wound: Mourning in Italian Poetry with Francesco Giusti and Emanuela Tandello (Legenda, 2022), Gender and Authority Across Disciplines, Space and Time with Alberica Bazzoni (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020); the special issues Weaving Media in Italian Poetry (Italica, 2023) and Elegy Today: Rejections, Re-mappings, Rewritings with Jonathan Culler and Roberto Binetti (Journal of World Literature, 2023); and the co-authored monograph Anne Carson. Letteratura liquida, with Roberto Binetti (Mimesis, forthcoming 2024)
She is the co-founder of «Non solo muse» (www.nonsolomuse.com), «Italian Poetry Today» (www.italianpoetrytoday.com) and the «Gender & Authority» Network (https://www.torch.ox.ac.uk/gender-and-authority).